Awaken your inner Momma Bear.

Inevitably, I am asked if we can teach self-defense to young children 3 to 7 years old. Before I can answer this question, we need to know from whom the child needs to defend themselves from. Is there an existing threat from another child? We can help with this. If there is a perceived threat coming from an adult, well that’s a different story

Realistically, should a fully grown adult attack a small child, it is highly improbable.  If a man is near, it is also unlikley to that the child will be threatened .  This puts the burden on Momma. Most woman do not pose the same threat as men do. Momma must learn to become Fierce momma bear and protect her cubs from the predators that are lurking out there.

Introducing “Awaken the Momma bear within Self-Defense” program focused only on teaching Mommas and those charged with child care how to protect the children.

A Momma Bear isn’t necessarily the child’s mom. A momma bear is any woman who is caring for a child. This could be a babysitter or an older sibling.

Get notified of up upcoming “Awaken the Momma bear within Self-Defense” training workshops.