Martial Arts Virginia Beach
Karate Training Benefits Why dedicate yourself to a physical activity such as Karate? Karate provides a host of value to your body, mind and spirit (Heart), it’s like Yoga 2.0. Karate has built onto it many aspects found in Yoga. Just as Yoga has postures, Karate has various stances, such as zenkutsu-dachi, forward stance, Shiko-dachi
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What you need to know when searching for self defense classes.
In Virginia Beach alone, there are over a dozen schools teaching self-defense with different approaches and ideas. The core concepts are rooted in their base system or style. For example, a striking art like Karate will teach you how to defend yourself while standing on the ground, breaking holds & striking, while a school focused
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No other single image says Karate like the Black Belt, but is it that important?
The infamous black belt appears to be the focus and desire of many who enroll in a Karate program. Schools have entire programs aimed at earning this belt such as “the Black Belt Club”, others simply market using slogans such as “Get your black belt in 12 months”. The programs and slogans go on. But
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Karate (Tode or Uchinate) classes
Self-Defense Training Interested in learning self defense? This program offeree by Cova Kai Karate focuses exclusively on self defense. While most martial art classes claim to teach self defense they either focus on a traditional curriculum consisting of a dozen or more kata or blocking concepts with no offensive reaponse. Based on a very old
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Virginia beach traditional Shorin-ryu karate
Cova Karate teaches traditional Okinawan karate serving the coastal region of Virginia beach. Their program combines weapons with karate, giving students a better understanding of body control, spatial awareness and reaction. We root our teaching philosophy in the “old ways”. While we teach discipline, we are not militaristic. Today, many schools use the approach that
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While sociable personalities excel in team sports offered in school, what options do lone wolf personalities have?
Competitive sports build many important character traits that are carried on throughout your child’s life, well into adulthood. Many of these are team sports offered in school, but what if your child is more of the ‘lone wolf’ personality, where can he turn to gain these valuable skills? Even though most schools offer sports such
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