Naihanchi Dachi

Virginia Beach Martial arts Nov 3, 2021

Martial Arts Virginia Beach

Karate Training Benefits Why dedicate yourself to a physical activity such as Karate? Karate provides a host of value to your body, mind and spirit (Heart), it’s like Yoga 2.0. Karate has built onto it many aspects found in Yoga. Just as Yoga has postures, Karate has various stances, such as zenkutsu-dachi, forward stance, Shiko-dachi
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Oct 26, 2021

While sociable personalities excel in team sports offered in school, what options do lone wolf personalities have?

Competitive sports build many important character traits that are carried on throughout your child’s life, well into adulthood. Many of these are team sports offered in school, but what if your child is more of the ‘lone wolf’ personality, where can he turn to gain these valuable skills? Even though most schools offer sports such
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