Persistence alone is not the root to success

No endeavor is ever accomplished without incorporating specific principles. Persistence is one of those principles that is regularly preached in Martial arts and carries over to business. But, as important as persistence is to any level of success, it cannot standalone, as the sole principle to guarantee a greater possibility of success.

According to author Brian Tracy, there are many success principles, persistence is grouped among them. In his book, he talks about the 10 rules:

      1. Persistence

      1. Take Responsibility

      1. Set Clear Goals

      1. Self-Discipline

      1. Time Management

      1. Continuous Learning

      1. Positive Mindset

      1. Health and Energy

      1. Networking

      1. Focus on Results

    The power of never giving up:

    In martial arts, we echo these same rules or principles. You may even see words like Persistence, Focus, discipline, Goals, Respect plastered on the walls or windows of schools. Why are these specific words so important? These principles provide the students, and the businessman, with a philosophy to “live” with purpose and to accomplish in life and work.

    In the Dojo, we push students beyond points of failure. It may be easy for a student to maintain a horse stance and complete 100 punches, but punch number 101 becomes difficult by punch 110. The student stands up. Punch 110 was his point of failure that day. The following day he repeats the process, and this time he does 105 punches with ease, and punch 106 becomes difficult and he fails at punch 110. Without, the mindset of persisting through discomfort, he wouldn’t be able to overcome the failure point.

    The importance of picking yourself up:

    I want to talk about failure. Failure isn’t always bad. In fact, we need to fail in order to succeed. When someone is afraid of failing, they may be paralyzed and unable to take the first step towards their goal. Instead, they may make excuses for not starting at all. Failing to commence may be deemed as the ultimate defeat. Those who practice martial arts and accomplished entrepreneurs measure success based on the number of times they have encountered failure. They surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their determination to succeed. This kind of drive is infectious and inspires one to strive for their best, despite any hurdles they may face.  These individuals prioritize results over excuses. Although they may encounter failure, they remain confident in their eventual success. Failing is an opportunity for us to learn our best lessons, which is why many martial artists advocate for the concept of ‘fail forward’. Albert Einstein once said, “that the only person who never makes a mistake is the one who doesn’t do anything.”

    Now that I have explained another principle, that of failure, let’s get back to persistence. The relation between persistence and failing is close. Without persistence, failure would overcome the Karate-ka (student) or businessman, but they view it as a learning moment. Persistence allows us to continue moving forward and to not give up.

    The Power of Discipline:

    There’s always a “But” or “However” when it comes to the principles of success. And one of those principles can be found on the walls, windows, and website of a dojo: discipline. Without discipline, a martial artist, salesman, or businessman cannot persevere.

    Albert Hubbard wrote, “Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it whether you feel like it or not”

    Self-discipline provides the structure & focus to stay committed to a goal despite challenges and setbacks. Self-discipline allows you to regulate impulses & distractions to help you persist (push through) difficulties & maintain your determination. You will notice that I have several words in bold. These are key principles tied to Self-discipline.

    Cova Karate

    3157 Shipps Corner Rd #106
    Virginia Beach, Va. 23453
    (map link)

    Registration form, be sure to select the correct program