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Sean Schroeder
Sean Schroeder has been training and studying Okinawan Shorin-ryu since 1974 under Kyoshi Noel Smith in Virginia Beach. Though he only attended one school, OBI Karate, he has none the less trained with other leading martial artists and learned new concepts, which he has applied to the foundation.Sean believes as a student of Karate, or any martial art, the student learns a foundation and he must build upon it. Much like college students learn from their professors.Sean doesn’t consider Karate as the Japanese consider it, it is not for seeking perfection. Instead, Karate is to be learned to strengthen the mind and body, with the primary intention of becoming formidable, and capable of defending one’s self. It is the art of self-protection, not the art of self-perfection.
Member since August 2021
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Karate basics 101

Don't walk into a Karate school cold and unsure, prepare yourself is fundamental core principals. Free online Karate training.
7 Lectures
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