Virginia Beach Martial Arts. Kobudo-Jutsu taught in a modern way, for a modern world.

Kobudo-Jutsu taught using a modern method for a modern world.

Cova Karate teaches a version of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu Karate that includes training with specialized tools. Other organizations classify these tools into a separate training system called Kobudo, or their weapons.  Unlike these schools, we firmly believe that Karate and Kobudo should be taught as one system, not two distinct systems. Separating the two allows associations and schools to charge for additional rank, they have monetized the training.  Our approach uses the Kobudo tools, weapons, to teach spatial awareness, timing, body control that can be applied to Karate, and the reverse holds true as well.

Our aim is to develop your instinctive ability to defend yourself using the concepts found in karate.  Although we take part in competitions, it is not to win trophies; it is to pressure test our skills .

Karate does not have any styles. It molds an individual to be the object of defense or offense and, through this process, karate teaches you the fundamental concept of self protection.

KANKEN TOYAMA (1888-1966)